The Sleepwalker — Part 1Jeremy Hall stepped out of the sonic shower, his skin tingling from the high-frequency clean. The smart mirror flashed his vitals: heart…Aug 13, 2024Aug 13, 2024
On GoalsWe were to aspire to be pilots, doctors, and engineers. ‘I don’t know’ was never an acceptable answer. And hence, I grew up with ambitions.May 14, 2024May 14, 2024
SelfishI sometimes catch myself being selfish, but it is very rare. It cannot mean that I am a selfish person. I am NOT selfish.Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
A historic Relic (Sci-fi):Sam: I laugh at the stupid Prophecizers who are so certain of technological Singularity, for ex: Kurzweil. He is a fraud or worst, an…Feb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
How to keep making stupid decisionsDecisions are the function of one's beliefs. Beliefs are what you know about how reality works. Enough incorrect beliefs and you will make…Jul 16, 2022Jul 16, 2022
Why do animals have necks and why do they sleep?I am an avid fan of nature and I have observed that among things that live on land, almost everything has a neck. But why? A neck is such a…Jul 13, 20221Jul 13, 20221
AsymmetryWhy do we fear the darkness of the night? Why are there horror stories about dense forests? Why we should never jump into unknown waters…Jul 13, 2022Jul 13, 2022
Why believing in ghosts has always been Rational?Coming from the Thalesian school, I know only one definition of rational. If an action aids in survival of an individual it’s rational.Feb 10, 2022Feb 10, 2022
Asymmetries in Grandmother-wisdomAsymmetries are like signals, once you start seeing asymmetries, you cannot unsee them.Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021